Meal planning.

Metabolic reset

A well working metabolism will supply you with energy, allow the body to sleep and recover well, fuel your workouts, stabilize hormones, ease pain, minimize inflammation, and decrease excess body fat. We all have different metabolic footprints with specific needs for our current metabolic state and our goals.

What is Metabolic Reset?

Metabolic Reset is a total transformation program that will change your body inside and out. Sheana has a holistic lifestyle coaching technique that is backed scientifically and designed to get you results that last. Together we assess and reset your metabolism, behaviors, training, diet and lifestyle, through habits and actions that rid you of toxins, GI issues, and poor health for good. Once you decide you are ready, willing and able to make changes for your health, the program begins and you are held accountable with check ins and daily assignments.

Meal planning on wooden table.

What is it for?

This is not for a quick fix, or a meal plan. Metabolic Reset requires more than a list of what to eat and what not to eat. This program is for anyone looking to enhance their body and metabolism by changing their behaviors to support that. You will be provided the tools and knowledge needed to balance macro and micronutrients, understand what your body needs and how to adapt in any situation.

How does it work?

You can decide what you are ready for and how much time you want to commit to your change. Month to month, 12 week transformation, or 6 month transformation. The process requires a commitment from yourself and your coach. What works for one person, might not work for another. We work together to figure out your metabolic profile and get you fueled the best for your body and lifestyle. It took time to get where you are now and it takes time to get to where you want to go.

Woman eating salad.

What to expect


You will be contacted to schedule your kick-off session and be given access to the Precision Nutrition application, which will be our main hub of communication. Then you will be asked to submit an intake questionnaire about your current health status and goals, and to journal your current food and drink intake for 3 days.

We can discuss an option to add recent blood work into this if you would like to get even deeper into hormonal health)


This 60 minute meeting kicks off your program via phone, video chat, or in person to assess and create. We assess your current and past nutritional profile and create a strategic plan to optimize your metabolism, reach your goals and develop the behaviors to support that. Together we decide on how we will track progress (usually done through girth measurements, weight and body-fat percentage every 2 weeks).


The journey continues over the course of 3, 6 or 12 months through weekly 30 minute check-in sessions (phone or in person) to review what is going well, what is feeling difficult and how we move/progress forward for the next week. As the program develops you build an “owners manual” of information on your metabolism and body. Over the course of the program it fills with resources on you, including; food lists, behavioral exercises, vitamin and mineral support, data and more. Sheana is always available for questions, support, or whatever might come up. We will decide together the best way for us to communicate (app messaging, texting, email, or phone). You will get a same day response and constant communication is encouraged!


You will be held accountable and sent daily actions, tasks or assignments that are in line with our set goals and timeline. Your success is what makes this program a true sustainable lifestyle change, so the tasks will align with what you are willing, ready and able to do! You will be pushed and supported to help you along the way. We will be a team that watches your confidence grow, gets your body into good metabolic rhythm and melt away excess fat and fatique to help you feel stronger and better than ever.

It is not easy, but it will get done. If you are ready to make the changes in your life that will buy you time, energy and a killer metabolism, then click HERE and get started today!

People exercising in group.


Nutrition programs are designed for a specific goal or event. Coaching begins with a 3 day food journal delivered to Sheana so she can prepare and understand your current metabolic needs and create a meal plan broken into macro and micronutrients that your body requires to thrive perform its best for your specific energy needs.

A Nutrition Coaching session is 60 minutes long and can be done on the phone, video, or in person. You will learn how to balance your macronutrients and track them to reach specific targets for your goals, portion sizes, nutrient pairing and discuss what foods to eat and avoid that may be creating physical and mental symptoms or illness. Together we create a goal that is attainable and direct.

Follow up consultations and packages are also available.

This is a great start if you are training for an event or specific goal (marathon, endurance events, weight loss, muscle gain) and want a personal meal plan with the appropriate calories and macronutrients. If you are struggling with weight loss or have symptoms of fatique, hormone imbalance, motivation, binge eating, or adrenal overload, we recommend that you do the Metabolic Reset program to ensure success and be monitored regularly.